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Building rapport with anyone


Building rapport with anyone can be a difficult task However it is an essential skill to have if you want to succeed and make meaningful connections




Here are some techniques for building a quick rapport with anyone



Show genuine interest   

People respond positively when they know that someone genuinely cares about them and their opinions or experiences. Ask questions about their background, interests, hobbies or goals; show that you’re interested in what they have to say by actively listening and engaging in conversation without any ulterior motives


Be authentic

Being yourself is key when trying to build rapport with others as it allows people get a better sense of who you are before forming any sort of opinion on your character or abilities . Make sure not to put up walls around yourself so that people feel comfortable enough opening up around you too

Find common ground

Sharing stories from similar backgrounds can help create a bond between two parties quickly as this creates an immediate connection due its familiarity   It also helps break the ice while getting conversations started more naturally since both parties could relate more easily than before

Respect boundaries

Building trust requires respecting other peoples’ boundaries at all times regardless of how close one may become over time . Keep personal questions out unless given permission otherwise , which shows respect for another person's privacy even during casual conversations

Demonstrate empathy

Empathy plays an important role when trying establish relationships because it shows understanding towards another individual's feelings/experiences without judgement . Practicing active listening encourages further dialogue which will lead into deeper levels of understanding each other better
