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Future uses, characteristics, and
 types of digital currency


Digital currency is a form of currency that is available only in digital or electronic form. It is also called digital money, electronic money, electronic currency, or cybercash

Digital currencies do not have physical attributes and are available only in digital form. Transactions involving digital currencies are made using computers or electronic wallets connected to the internet or designated networks. In contrast, physical currencies, such as bank and minted coins, are tangible, meaning they have definite physical attributes and characteristics. Transactions involving such currencies are made possible only when their holders have physical possession of these currencies.

Digital currencies have utility similar to physical currencies. They can be used to purchase goods and pay for services. They can also find restricted use among certain online communities, such as gaming sites, gambling portals, or social networks.

Digital currencies also enable instant transactions that can be seamlessly executed across borders. For instance, it is possible for a person located in the United States to make payments in digital currency to a counterparty residing in Singapore, provided they are both connected to the same network


Characteristics of Digital CurrenAs


was previously said, digital currencies are only available online. They don't have a tangible counterpart. Both centralized and decentralized digital currencies exist. Fiat currency is produced and distributed centrally by a central bank and other governmental organizations and exists in physical form. Decentralized digital money systems include well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum

Digital currencies allow for value transfers. The current framework for currencies, which links them to sales and purchases of goods and services, must be changed in order to use digital currencies.

But digital currencies go beyond the idea. For example, a gaming network token can extend the life of a player or provide them with extra superpowers


Types of Digital Currencies


Digital currency is an overarching term that can be used to describe different types of currencies that exist in the electronic realm. Broadly, there are three different types of currencies


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use cryptography to secure and verify transactions in a network. Cryptography is also used to manage and control the creation of such currencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum are examples of cryptocurrencies Depending on the jurisdiction, cryptocurrencies may or may not be regulated


Virtual Currencies 

Virtual currencies are unregulated digital currencies controlled by developers or a founding organization consisting of various stakeholders involved in the process. Virtual currencies can also be algorithmically controlled by a defined network protocol. An example of a virtual currency is a gaming network token whose economics is defined and controlled by developers

Central Bank Digital Currencies 

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are regulated digital currencies issued by the central bank of a country. A CBDC can be a supplement or a replacement to traditional fiat currency. Unlike fiat currency, which exists in both physical and digital form, a CBDC exists purely in digital form. England, Sweden, and Uruguay are a few of the nations that are considering plans to launch a digital version of their native fiat currencies.12

The use of CBDCs has been suggested as a means of enhancing the speed and security of centralized payment systems, lowering the costs and dangers of handling cash, and promoting greater financial inclusion for people and companies without access to conventional banking services. They may also make cross-border payments easier and lessen the need for foreign exchange.

The introduction of a U.S. CBDC presents a number of difficulties. For instance, for Congress to authorized the issuance of a CBDC, there must be robust privacy and security infrastructures put in place. The government must also weight the possible impacts on monetary policy and the operational management of the switch from conventional money to a CBDC

Advantages of Digital Currencies 

Fast Transfer and Transaction Times 

Because digital currencies generally exist within the same network and accomplish transfers without intermediaries, the amount of time required for transfers involving digital currencies is extremely fast

As payments in digital currencies are made directly between the transacting parties without the need for any intermediaries, the transactions are usually instantaneous and low-cost. This fares better compared to traditional payment methods that involve banks Digital-currency-based electronic transactions also bring in the necessary record keeping and transparency in dealings

No Physical Manufacturing Required 

Many requirements for physical currencies, such as the establishment of physical manufacturing facilities, are absent for digital currencies. Such currencies are also immune to physical defects or soiling that are present in physical currency

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Implementation 

Under the current currency regime, the Fed works through a series of intermediaries—banks and financial institutions—to circulate money into an economy. CBDCs can help circumvent this mechanism and enable a government agency to disburse payments directly to citizens. They also simplify the production and distribution methods by obviating the need for physical manufacturing and transportation of currency notes from one location to another.

Cheaper Transaction Costs 

Direct communication inside a network is made possible by digital currency. For instance, if two parties are located within the same network, the buyer can pay the shopkeeper immediately. Even the expenses of digital currency transactions between networks are far less than those using physical or fiat money. Digital currencies can reduce the total cost of a transaction by eliminating middlemen who seek financial gain from handling it


Digital currencies may be decentralized. This means they are not controlled by any government or financial institution. Digital currencies that are decentralized make them more resistant to government interference, censorship, and manipulation. Decentralization means true control over the digital currency is spread over a broader range of owners or users.


Due to the fact that transactions with digital currencies are not linked to personal data, users are given a high level of privacy and anonymity. They are therefore very helpful for those who want to protect the confidentiality of their financial dealings

Accessible Around the World

Anyone with an internet connection can utilize digital currencies from anywhere in the globe. These services are therefore particularly helpful for people who do not have access to conventional banking institutions. In addition, many of these banking services only need access to an internet connection; for geographical areas that are not as developed with a strong financial infrastructure, digital currencies may be a stronger option


Disadvantages of Digital Currencies 

Storage and Infrastructure Issues

While they do not require physical wallets, digital currencies have their own set of requirements for storage and processing. For example, an Internet connection is necessary as are smartphones and services related to their provisioning. Online wallets with robust security are also necessary to store digital currencies

Hacking Potential 

Digital currencies are hackable due to their digital origin. Hackers have the ability to take digital currency from online wallets or alter the protocol, rendering them useless. The countless instances of cryptocurrency hacking have shown that there is still work to be done in terms of protecting digital systems and money.

Volatile Value 

Digital currencies used for trading can have wild price swings. For example, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies has resulted in a profusion of thinly capitalized digital currencies whose prices are prone to sudden changes based on investor whims

Similar price trajectories for other digital currencies during their early stages may be seen. For instance, the Linden currency used in the online game Second Life initially saw a price trajectory that was quite variable.

Limited Acceptance 

Digital currencies are still not commonly used as a means of payment by retailers and other enterprises. Because of this, using them for routine transactions may be challenging. Though digital currencies have gained gained in popularity, there are still limited functionalities in everyday transactions in many places.


On a digital currency network, transactions are irreversible. This means that once a transaction has been completed, it cannot be undone. In circumstances where a mistake or fraud has taken place, this may be a disadvantage.

This is also a tremendous disadvantage for those new to the digital currency space, as there is a substantial learning curve. Because there is no central oversight area for many digital currencies, new users can't simply go to their local branch to receive help for many digital currencies

Pros and Cons of Digital Currencies


Faster transaction times.

Do not require physical manufacturing.

Lower transaction costs.

Make it easier to implement monetary and fiscal policy.

Offers greater privacy than other forms of currency.


Can be difficult to store and use.

Can be hacked.

Can have volatile prices that result in lost value.

May not allow for irrevocability of transactions.

Still has limited acceptability


Future of Digital Currencies

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have exploded in value, but they are largely used for speculation or to buy other speculative assets. Although there have been some signs of merchant adoption in countries like El Salvador, the high volatility and complexity of these currencies make them impractical for most daily applications

Stablecoins, whose value is tied to the price of fiat currency, have been introduced by several businesses in an effort to lower volatility. Typically, this is accomplished by depositing an equivalent sum in money, which can then be redeemed for tokens. Concerns have been raised about stablecoin issuers like Tether because they have utilized these deposits for riskier investments, making them more susceptible to a market meltdown.

Central bank digital currencies, which may be issued by a nation's bank or monetary authority, are still another potential application. Similar to cryptocurrencies, these would be used and kept in online wallets, but the central bank would be able to issue and freeze tokens as it saw fit. Many nations, including China, have suggested adopting digital versions of their national currencies

