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How to get the Big Books read


How to get the Big Books read




Reading big books can be overwhelming, especially for those who have limited time and attention

But with a few tips and tricks, anyone can make the most of their reading experience – no matter how large the book

 First off, start by setting realistic expectations Don’t expect to finish a 500-page book in one sitting  instead take your time and savor every page

Break up your reading into manageable chunks that fit within your schedule: 20 pages here or half an hour there are both great starting points for getting through larger works of literature

Next, consider using different formats to read the material if available—audio books are especially helpful when it comes to tackling longer reads as they allow you to multitask while still absorbing information from the text itself

You could also use eBooks which generally offer features like highlighting passages or taking notes on certain sections that may help you stay organized while working through more complicated texts

Finally, don’t forget about utilizing online resources such as discussion forums or study groups where fellow readers can provide insight into difficult concepts found in bigger works of literature—this is particularly useful when studying complex topics like philosophy or economics! Additionally these spaces often include summaries written by experienced readers which serve as valuable tools for understanding key ideas without having to plow through entire chapters alone which saves precious time

Ultimately getting Big Books read doesn't have to be intimidating - with some planning ahead and creative thinking it's possible even busy people with limited free-time will find success
